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New Foundations

Not-for-Profit|Gatsby JS
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The New Foundation Community Chaplaincy is an NGO that works across Hampshire to provide comprehensive support for prison leavers of all ages. They help ex-prisoners integrate back into society. The organization was in its initial stages and was led by Project Manager Roger Vann. One of the main challenges they faced was the lack of an online presence.

As a website designer and developer, I was approached to help create a website for the NGO. I worked closely with Roger and his team to understand the organization's mission and objectives. I designed a website that effectively communicated their message and services to potential clients and donors.

The website included custom illustrations and content writing that helped to convey the organization's story and the impact they were making in the community. I also implemented a conversion strategy that put the needs of the organization's target audience first. The website was designed to deliver the message that New Foundations would be there to help ex-prisoners make a fresh start.

As a result of the new website, the New Foundation Community Chaplaincy was able to increase online visibility and engagement. They were able to attract more clients, volunteers, and donations. The website also helped to streamline their operations and improve communication with stakeholders. Overall, the website played a crucial role in the NGO's success and growth, it was a powerful tool to support their mission and reach out to those in need.

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